Qualcomm announces $100 million meta-universe fund, SAND, MANA and other meta-universe tokens follow suit

By    1 Apr,2022

Qualcomm has announced the creation of a $100 million Snapdragon Metaverse Fund to invest in XR, AI and AR technology companies.


According to the statement, the metaverse fund will also provide funding for developers who build rich XR experiences. Qualcomm said their goal is to gain access to the metaverse through 5G, AI and XR technologies, as these technologies are critical to the metaverse.

Recently, the market has seen a renewed enthusiasm for the metaverse. In the past seven days, the prices of the native tokens of metaverse projects such as Decentraland (MANA) and The SandBox (SAND) have increased by 7% and 14%, respectively.

As of writing, SAND coin price is up 0.8% to $3.15 and MANA coin price is up 0.12% at $2.44.



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